Redefining Element 78

Redefining Element 78 presents a compositional voice of increasing clarity and singular warmth. Distilling elements of Rebecca’s previous album Peaceful King, together with her classical roots ranging from Debussy, Tavener, and Tippett, Defining Element 78 is an album of luscious, dense harmonies and wide atmospheric soundscapes.
Commissioned by Bristol Jazz Festival in 2019, the collection of six pieces are further inspired by two intriguing extra musical influences: the chemical elements contained within the Platinum metal family and Rebecca’s work with legendary New York alto saxophonist, John O’Gallagher, who features on the album and a handful of the tour dates.
The music’s excitement comes from a creative tension between detailed through-composed sections and large swathes of free improvisation. The deep sense of trust and connection between the musicians, set against the ethereal other-worldly compositional textures leads to spontaneous, daring, and unpredictable music making.
Redefining Element 78, the follow up release to Rebecca’s genre-defying Peaceful King, will be released on Whirlwind Recordings in 2022.